Library Activity Room
The library Activity Room may accommodate up to sixty people for a wide variety of activities, lectures, audio-visual presentations, meetings and exhibits. To request use of our Activity Room, please read our Activity Room Use Policy and complete the Library Activity Room Reservation Request form. Submit completed form to Library Director, Dan Tremblay, at dtremblay@topsfieldlibrary.org.
Art Exhibits
Artists interested in exhibiting their work in the Activity Room may review our Art Exhibit Policy and send a completed Artist Exhibit Reservation Form to Dan Tremblay, Director of the Topsfield Town Library. See our Art in the Library page for more information.

Topsfield Room
The Topsfield Room has one table with seating for eight people and three folding tables, as well as electrical outlets. It is available to individuals and small groups for educational, civic, and cultural purposes.
The Topsfield Room is a craft/project space, and library programs have priority. Supplies are stored in the room, and on occasion, occupants may be disturbed when supplies are required. Visit our page for more information on our craft/project space.
Before requesting to reserve the Topsfield Room, please read our Topsfield Room and Quiet Study Policy. Although individuals may use the Topsfield Room when available, it is intended for group work or study rather than individual office space. Please note that the room closes 15 minutes before the library closes for the evening. To reserve this space, fill out our Topsfield Room/Quiet Study Reservation Request form and submit it to ask@topsfieldlibrary.org.

Quiet Study Room
The Quiet Study Room has one table with seating for four people, as well as electrical outlets. It is available to individuals and small groups for educational, civic and cultural purposes.
Before requesting to reserve the Topsfield Room, please read our Topsfield Room and Quiet Study Policy. Although individuals may use the Quiet Study Room when available, it is intended for group work or study rather than individual office space. Please note that the room closes 15 minutes before the library closes for the evening. To reserve this space, fill out our Topsfield Room/Quiet Study Reservation Request form and submit it to ask@topsfieldlibrary.org.