In the Children’s Room, you can find:
Books & graphic novels, audiobooks & Playaways, DVDs & Blu-Rays for children through grade 6
A baby/toddler play area
AWE Station – a learning computer for ages 2-5
The Zone, a space for patrons ages 8-12 to work on homework, hang out, and use computers
Topsfield Reverie, a mural painted by David Fichter, which depicts scenes in Topsfield using local landmarks. View all of the library’s art collection
Children’s events and calendars. Check out our online calendar for event listings.
Please be aware that the Children’s Room closes 10 minutes before the rest of the library.

Spotlight: Resources for Children
Kanopy is a streaming service made just for libraries and universities. All you need is your Topsfield library card, and you can access over 30,000 movies to stream on your phone, computer, or TV! Watch in a browser, or download the free Kanopy app for iOS, Android, AppleTV, Chromecast, or Roku.
Comics Plus allows for Topsfield residents to have unlimited, simultaneous access to thousands of digital comics, graphic novels, and manga from a variety of library-friendly publishers — without worrying about holds, wait lists, or monthly limits. Log in using your library card barcode and PIN!
Helpful Links
1000 Books Before Kindergarten: Info and registration for this free, fun program!
Unattended Child Policy: Children under nine years of age should be accompanied by an adult while in the library.
Ebsco NoveList K-8+: keep track of reading & to find new books to read by topic, genre, or readalikes!
The MGH Clay Center for Youth Healthy Minds: Includes articles, podcasts, and more for parents and guardians, devoted to supporting & promoting the mental, emotional, & behavioral well-being of young people.
Families for Depression Awareness: Families for Depression Awareness helps families recognize and cope with stress management, depression, and bipolar disorder to get people well and prevent suicides
HandHoldMA.org: Tips & resources for families designed to help navigate their child’s mental health journey
CFCE of the North Shore: A locally-based program that provides child development services and resources to families with young children
Contact the Children’s Room
Phone: (978) 887-1528 x2104
Email: childrensroom@topsfieldlibrary.org