The Topsfield Town Library is hosting a Spring Diaper Drive, benefiting Community Giving Tree! A drop-off cart will be located in the library’s vestibule. Between May 1 and May 26, 2023, please consider the following donations for needy children in our community
- Diapers
- Baby Wipes
- Baby Clothing
- Pull Ups
- Rash Cream
- Car Seats (Both convertible and infant car seats, manufacturer date within the past five years)
- Clothes (Baby and Toddler)
- Baby Toys
- Large Stuffed Animals
A full list of all the items that would be accepted by Community Giving Tree can be found on their website.
Community Giving Tree (a 501(c)(3) non-profit) operates from two sites, one in Boxford and the other in the heart of Lawrence. Every year, 12,500 children from northeastern Massachusetts are provided with the basic necessities they need to grow and thrive.