The Friends of the Topsfield Library are thrilled to announce the return of the gingerbread house fundraiser! The process is a little different this year. In two easy steps, you can order and pay for a kit! All kits are $20 each. To decorate, pick up your prepaid kit and drop in during an open house session or take your kit home.
Step 1: Order a kit HERE or visit the Children’s room. For your convenience, a QR code has been provided below.
Step 2: Pay for the kit by cash, check, or Venmo. Kits are $20 each.
Venmo: Friendsof-TopsfieldLibrary. Please enter your email address in the “What’s this for?” box.
Kits will be available for pick up starting on Friday, December 6th. You have two options for decorating:
Option 1: Drop in and decorate at the library on Friday, December 6th from 4:30pm-6pm or Saturday, December 7th from 10am-1pm. There will be tables set up and extra decorations available. No need to sign up for a spot, but all kits must be ordered and paid for in advance.
Option 2: Pick up your kit and bring it home. Additional decorations will be available during the decoration sessions listed above.