The Topsfield Town Library is proud to host a Holiday Gift Collection Drive November 4-22 to benefit the Community Giving Tree!
Drop off items like brand new clothing and winter coats, pajamas, sweaters, sweatshirts, sneakers, gift cards (for businesses like Old Navy, Walmart, Amazon, and Target) and small toys for children ages 2-18. A full list of what is accepted can be found on the Community Giving Tree website.
Community Giving Tree (a 501(c)(3) non-profit) operates from two sites, one in Boxford and the other in the heart of Lawrence. Every year, 12,500 children from northeastern Massachusetts are provided with the basic necessities they need to grow and thrive. Their annual Holiday Gift Collection seeks to keep local children safe and warm this holiday season.
You can also order items directly supporting Community Giving Tree from Amazon! View the Community Giving Tree’s Amazon Wishlist here.