In the first installment of the Library’s Earth Month blog series, we shared some of the ways the library can help you to reduce your consumption. This week, we’d like to highlight some of our print and digital resources that can educate, inspire, motivate, and entertain you on a myriad of environmental topics.
For the book lovers out there, check out this great guide on green reads, found HERE. It’s updated throughout the year to highlight some newer and older books in our collection as well as other helpful links to podcasts, blogs, and more. If you’re interested in an environmental topic not shown in the guide, swing by the Reference desk on the second floor and we’ll see what we can find for you.
As always, if you need any help in accessing any of our resources – books, magazines, streaming services – please don’t hesitate to ask. We LOVE to help!
Check out ComicsPlus, a digital collection of comic books and graphic novels for all ages. (Please note: the default search includes all content. For the children’s collection (ages 5-14) only, please click HERE. We’ve pulled together a list of Kid and Teen/Adult titles that explore a variety of environmental topics.
Kids: The Max Axiom comics cover a lot of different science topics, so have some fun exploring those as well!

Teens and Adults:

Did you know the library provides streaming access to dozens of documentaries about the environment, wildlife, climate change, and other earth-related topics? You may have heard about Kanopy already (yay!), but have you checked out BBC Landmark yet? Stream award-winning documentary series, like Planet Earth, Blue Planet, Big Cats, and Life. If you’re looking for documentaries on Kanopy, click here to browse their impressive selection of science, nature, and technology films.