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Scenes from the July 30th Concert on the Common: 4EverFab

On July 30th, hundreds of Beatles fans from across the universe (maybe not quite enough to fill the Albert Hall) woke up, fell out of bed, dragged a comb across their head, and then came together to sit back and watch the evening go on at the Town Common with 4EverFab. The Beatles tribute band put in a hard day’s night as part of our Concerts on the Common series. The concert series is funded by the Gould Trust and sponsored by the Topsfield Library Music Committee.

We promised that a splendid time was guaranteed for all, and for a long and winding road of over two hours, 4EverFab would not let it be and made our troubles seem so far away. Although we doubt the band and spectators would have minded the rain, everyone was saying “good day, sunshine” instead as the weather was fine!

Here is a short clip of 4EverFab performing “Michelle,” as some spectators in the back of the audience came out to play and greeted the brand new day. Photographs and video were taken by our director, Dan Tremblay.

If you want to get more events like this concert into your life we recommend you get back to the Topsfield Town Common on Sunday, August 21st for the next installment of the Concert on the Common series as MASCO grad and NBC’s The Voice star Andrew Marshall plays a show beneath (hopefully) blue, suburban skies as part of the Concerts on the Common series. As always, you never need to give us your money for these concerts; they are free!

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