Library Currently Closed Tuesday, 10:00 am – 7:00 pm View Library Hours

Book Clubs

Request Books

If your book club is looking to obtain multiple copies of a title, we can help you! Come into the library, call us at 978-887-1528, or send us an e-mail with the title and author of the book, the number of copies you need, and the date you’ll be discussing the book. We can check for availability and order enough copies for all your members.

Book Club Kits

You may also order a Book Club Kit for your group. Book Club Kits are large canvas bags that contain 15 paperback copies of a title, as well as discussion guides, author information, and background information about the book. When available, a large-print copy, audiobook copy, and/or a DVD related to the book will be included.

To request a Book Club Kit, use the Book Club Kit request page. Once you have chosen a title and date, you will be prompted to enter your library card barcode number and the password you use to access the online catalog. If you have any questions, please contact the Reference Department.

TTL Book Club

The Topsfield Town Library “TTL” book club is currently inactive. Check back for updates.


  • Novelist Plus
    For book recommendations based on other books you have read
  • Reading Group Choices
    Recommended titles for book clubs, discussion questions, information on starting a book club
  • Reading Group Guides
    Discussion questions, “Best of” lists, interviews with book groups, and more
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