We are “closing the book” on an event 2024 at the Topsfield Town Library by looking at 2024 by the numbers!
Total Visitors to the Topsfield Town Library in 2024: 55,148
This marks a 7% increase in visitors to the library in comparison to 2023. Overall, the library was open for 2,146 hours in 2024, including 49 Saturdays (196 hours overall) and 382 total hours after 5pm.
Total Amount of Registered Borrowers: 2,773
This marks approximately a 7% increase in overall borrowers in 2024.
Total programs (all ages held at the Topsfield Town Library): 307
Total program participants: 6,237
This marks a 106% increase in programs offered for all ages offered at the Topsfield Town Library from 2023, and the highest amount of total programs ever held on record by the Topsfield Town Library. This increase was driven by a rapid increase in adult program (close to 200% increase in programming). Children’s/YA programming offerings increased 36% from 2023. Total participants in library programming for all ages grew over 36% from 2023.

Library Circulation
Total Amount of items checked out at the Topsfield Town Library in 2024: 112,808
This marks an 8% increase in items checked out at the Topsfield Town Library from 2023, and the highest amount recorded since at least 2017.
Getting popular items into patrons’ hands faster than ever before
In 2024, 76% of all requests for physical items were filled within seven days. Overall circulation of our Lucky Day collection grew 46% from 2023. Lucky Day titles (mainly titles that are massively popular and have a long wait list) made up 4.3% of the library’s physical item circulation in 2024; that share is up 40% from 2023.
Topsfield Net Lender in MVLC
The Topsfield Town Library is a net lender to the Merrimack Valley Library Consortium, lending approximately 2,900 more items to other libraries than we borrowed in 2024, signaling a healthy, in-demand collection; this tally increased approximately 46% from 2023, and in 2022 we were a net borrower.
Library of Things
Circulation of our Library of Things collection increased 61% in 2024! We continue to add new items to our Library of Things collection and challenge perceptions on what libraries are and what they can offer. Our Seed Library was re-launched this year, too: we distributed over 200 free seed packets to the Topsfield community.
E-Book/E-Audiobook Circulation via OverDrive: 18,221
Topsfield is leading the way in the MVLC with e-book/e-audiobook investment via OverDrive. E-Book/E-Audiobook circulation increased approximately 35% from 2023, one of our highest-growing collections in terms of circulation. OverDrive wait times for Topsfield residents ran roughly half the length of time of the consortium average (data from July 1-present). Just as an example, in November 2024, the average wait time for Topsfield patrons for OverDrive materials was 31.7 days; that number was 71 days for the entire consortium. These significant investments have paid off; since July 1, the Topsfield Town Library has the highest circulation-per-capita of e-book/e-audiobook materials in the consortium, 4% higher than the second-place library (Carlisle). Note: this growth is in addition to, and not replacing, physical material checkouts at the Topsfield Library; circulation of physical materials grew approximately 4% in 2024.
Library Outreach
The Topsfield Library has hosted 8 pop-up libraries in the Topsfield community in 2024 (note: this is in addition to attending countless other community events throughout the year, e.g. Trunk or Treat, Tri-Town Pride Parade, and Earth Day festivities!), visiting local green spaces (e.g. Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary, Hoods Pond, Bradley Palmer Splash Pad, and Topsfield Village Park) and local 55+ communities, forging connections outside the four walls of the library and spreading awareness of all services we offer. We expect this program to grow in 2025!
Our Library of Things collection represented the library at countless Tri-Town events over the past year, too, including several walks/celebrations on the Common, Masco All-Night Graduation Party, Boxford Little League Year End Parade/Party, Trinity Church Hot Dog Days, and much more!
The Library hosted a holiday collection drive for Community Giving Tree (Nov 2024) and a Donation Drive for Top Cupboard Food Pantry (Sept 2024).
Museum Pass Program
Our Museum Pass Program (sponsored by the Friends of the Topsfield Town Library) had its most successful year on record; the library gave out 807 discount admission passes in 2024, a 33% increase from 2023.
Calculating Library Value
Our Library Value Calculator,originally developed by the Massachusetts Library Association and the Chelmsford Public Library, helps estimate the value of the library. Inputting 2024 data into this calculator, we conservatively estimate the value of the library to the community in 2024 to be approximately $1.2 million; meaning for each dollar invested in the library, it generates almost $2 in value for the Topsfield community.