About the Exhibit:
The subject of September’s exhibit is Reedy Meadow, the largest freshwater cattail marsh in Massachusetts. Reedy Meadow is a natural landmark, and an important location for migrating birds and a variety of wildlife. It is located on the border of Middlesex and Essex Counties, between Wakefield and Lynnfield. The Saugus River runs through Reedy Meadow and the meadow acts as a water retention area for the Saugus River. Reedy Meadow is an area of beautiful landscapes and wildlife. In this exhibit, Steve hopes to display some of the scenes Reedy Meadow has to offer as well as highlight the diversity of wildlife that exists in and around Reedy Meadow and the Saugus River. If you wish to see Reedy Meadow for yourself, visit the Partridge Island Trail located on Main St. in Lynnfield.
The reception will also include a LIVE drone demonstration on the Town Common! Rain date: September 21st.

About the Photographer:
Steve J. Fantone is an avid outdoorsman who enjoys hiking, walking, and paddling around the open spaces of New England with his wife and baby. For the past several years, Steve has documented the wildlife and landscape of Reedy Meadow which is the largest freshwater cattail marsh in Massachusetts.
Over the past years, Steve also created the YouTube Channels “Hike Walk Paddle” and “MA Wildlife Cams”. On these channels you can find places to hike walk and paddle, and wildlife videos, respectively.
Steve has a passion for being outdoors and exploring the wildlife and open spaces that Massachusetts has to offer.
See you on the trails!
For prints or questions e-mail: HikeWalkPaddle@gmail.com