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Check out a telescope from our Library of Things!

You can now check out a telescope from the Topsfield Town Library!!!

The Orion StarBlast telescope is the newest addition to our Library of Things collection, which pushes our library’s collection beyond “traditional” materials like books, audiobooks, and movies, with the goal of promoting lifelong learning in our community.

A special thanks to the folks at the Aldrich Astronomical Society, which supports the Library Telescope Program, allowing libraries in Massachusetts to acquire telescopes to lend to patrons. Our telescope was made possible through funding by MathWorks of Natick, Massachusetts.

We are only able to lend our telescope to patrons aged 18 years or older, and we require a special lending agreement to be signed before you can check out our telescope. As with all our Library of Things materials, you can borrow this item from the library for 14 days (sorry, no renewals!) Upon checking out the telescope, we will give you a brief tutorial of how the telescope works, and supply you with a user’s guide and transport instructions.

We encourage parental supervision for children using the telescope, and as a reminder, never, ever look into the sun!

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